Tuesday, June 28, 2011

With Great Pleasure and Joy

The last two days have been out of the ordinary compared to the norm.  Shaun has been homesick.  Those of you who know my husband very very very well know that he very rarely gets sick and hardly stays home as a result of being sick.  When he called me yesterday during the late morning to inform me he was coming home early (4pm) because he was feeling ill, I knew he was going to come home with more than just an ache or a sore throat.  Yes, your read right, 4pm is way early by his standards.  Well, it just so happens that today I too have joined the sickly crowd.  Thank you Eve!?  For those of you who understood, I appreciate your sympathy. Nine months ago I would have taken my "woe is me" little self and jumped right into bed with my heating pad and a bottle of Midol. Not the case today!  By God's grace alone I rose up out of my warm and comfy side of the bed to nurse and care for my wonderful husband.  It was then that I was reminded of how during my single days I held a strong desire and urge to be to a loving wife to a godly man.  God in His perfect plan and timing delivered me to him. In our talks about our future together we agreed the plan was for me to stay home once babies joined the Tan clan. I can recall being at work as a newly wed daydreaming as I stared out my window wanting to do nothing more than being at home supporting my husband.  Whether it meant folding towels, preparing dinner or making a bed my desire was for my husband.  There are many wonderful ways in which amazing wives support amazing husbands, but this was the way I desired to do so.  To some these tasks may sound menial, but to me it was and is still a sweet offering not only unto my husband, but unto the Lord.  I now stay home with our nine and a half months old son during some of the most influential years of his life.  I cook, clean, wash, dry, iron and change diapers, but I also witness some of life's most precious and beautiful moments as well as receive into my arms an amazing and hard working man at the end of each and every day.  Therefore, today while my husband is home ill and my adorable little son is hungry and cranky it is with great pleasure and joy that I serve both them and my God.


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