Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Mommy Identity

Hello!  I'm back after some time away from my blogger screen.  I've contemplated for some time whether to continue blogging or not.  Between an active 11 month old, an apartment which entails up keeping and an amazing and loving husband I have plenty to keep myself busy.  From time to time as I encounter life I say to myself, "this would a be a good thing to blog about".  Whether my blog is read by friends or a stranger, I hope it brings a little of something that wasn't there before.

My Mommy Identity
I've come to realize that becoming a mommy can be like entering high school all over again. I have found myself trying to decide what type of mommy I want to be.  There are so many options out there!  The mommy who blogs, the mommy who grows her own garden and makes her own soap, the well put together mommy, the artsy and crafty mommy, the mommy whose house always clean, the mommy who fulfills all the previously mentioned and more!  Do I want to be the trendy mommy, the  simple mommy, the play date mommy, and the list goes on! Sorting this out can be such a trouble some thing.  Then after you've decided what type of mommy you wish to become comes the "then just be" part.  It's just like choosing a costume and playing the part! We all know that's so not true.  As a result of my frustrations and identity crisis, I've decided I want to want to be the mommy who simply reflects the love of God before her children.  I can sometimes drive my husband crazy with a quote  of mine, "what will it matter in a million years???"  Well, this will definitely matter!  Whether I'm a blogger, gardener, well put together or crafty will probably not matter much.  My response unto Him who has saved me and  the reflection my children see of that will totally matter and can possibly affect the lives of generations to come.  I hope to remind myself of this when I encounter that daily nagging identity struggle.



liz crawford-hdz said...

i love your blogs...girlie, your a great mommy!! just be you!

Anonymous said...

Reading this great book called Boundaries by Dr. Henry about finding an is helping sort some stuff out for me!! Hope you are well!! Finally got to Kenny and Ziggy's deli this past weekend going through was soooo good!!! It's next to the Galleria over on Post gotta go!!! :) Leigh

Bella said...

Awe...... I absolutely love that quote of yours. " What will it matter in a million years." I remember you saying it in cell a lot and it always made so much sense to me. If I have not told you in a while, I miss being in your cell group and learning from you weekly. I learned how to be a reflection of christ through you. I think you should continue blogging but posting it on Face book that way I will read it. The other way I just never remembered to go to it directly. Well, my friend I wish you nothing but the best in this new beautiful season in your life. I think you are a great mommy and I know Zack is not going to care what kind of mommy you are. He's just gonna care that you were always, always there for him with open arms. Just continue to be you!!!!! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Also before I forget your mommy prayed for me this passed Sunday service. She came up to me. :) I'll tell you about it later. Either way it was a blessing. :) Love you and God Bless!!!

Bella said...

Awe..... ML I think you are a wonderful mommy! You know Zachary is not going to care what type a mommy you are. All he is going to care about is that you were always there for him with open arms leading him in the narrow path. You just continue to be you! You have done a fantastic job at that. I still remember that comment "what will it matter in a million years?" It always made sense to me. We make a big deal about so many things in our lives that are not even important. All we were put here in this world is to honor God and bring people to his feet. Your biggest job as a mom is to make sure he will be a son of God and not just through the time you raise him but even as an adult that will make his own decisions. If you did a great job being a reflection of Christ in your cell group and with friends. I'm sure you will do an even better job with your son and husband. I really miss you and I thank you for all that you did in my life. More than anything you planted a seed in my heart to be there for others selflessly. I love you and May God continue to bless you and your family dearly. Oh by the way your mom came up to me at church on Sunday and just wanted to pray for me. She is so sweet. She has a beautiful gift as well. Ok take care and God bless. :)