Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Little tidbits

My post this morning originally started off as an e-mail in which I was writing to a close friend.  What was suppose to be a quick question about care packages turned into an e-mail with a couple of updates on life.  Then I thought, "Hmm..why not a post?"  Two birds with one stone! :) So here it is....

Graceful & Loving
There's a lovely woman who I have met at our church about a year ago. Her name is Dee. I met her while taking a Perspectives Class on world missions.  She's been such a blessing to me since we've met.  Reminds me of how the Lord is so merciful and so good to provide for us in new seasons and places.
Dedicating Zachary
Our church recently held a "Parent dedication and infant presentation". Shaun and I took part in this and dedicated our sweet Zachary unto the Lord. :) It really was a special moment for us.  I am continuously reminded of how we have been entrusted with such a sweet little soul.  Knowing he does not belong to us but unto the Lord really does bring comfort to my heart. 

Green Beans & Uninterrupted Sleep
Can't believe he's already 5 and 1/2 months!?  He started on solids at four months.  He's doing well with the exception of green beans. It's quite obvious he does NOT like green beans! :)  He face he makes after being given a spoonful of green beans is the cutest! He's sleeping through  the night!  Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! It feels sooooooo good to get some uninterrupted sleep again!
I've also been so blessed by the MOPS group that meets at our church twice a month.  There are so many young mommies who have chosen to put aside their professions and stay home with their babies/children. Their love for God and for their families brings me much encouragement. The Lord has again provided great company and conversation as I continue to take this amazing and drama filled path called motherhood. 
I do miss home and everyone there.  It seems to come in waves, as one friend said it best. Lately I've hit a bigger wave than usual.  With Zachary growing up so  fast, I wish family and friends were around.  At times I go off into my little dreamland and imagine going over to my parents house with Zachary and watching him play with my nephews or going over to a girlfriend's house and chatting about life while our babies play together.  I think back and consider, "what if I had resisted my husband's plan for us in leaving Brownsville? What if I had resisted the idea of coming to Houston so that I could transition more easily when we leave the states not to mention him growing professionally in his career and seeking advancement so that we could transition to Singapore thru a company here in Houston.  (Forgive my run on sentences.) I quickly realize that it would have been so much more difficult to leave the states for Singapore after having been in Brownsville any longer than we were.  Also, I'm more than positive the Lord would have brought some times of brokenness due to my resistance of my husband's leading as well as His own.  I know that I know we are in the right place at the right time.  I'm continuously humbled by how undeserving I am and how merciful and loving He is.   Time and time again He is faithful even when I am not. 

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