Thursday, March 25, 2010

And The Beat Goes On-Part 2

Our OB appointment from yesterday went well! My blood draw consisted of 9 blood tubes. Now that's a lot of blood! We decided to by pass the lab draw for down syndrome. It is our conviction that we will joyfully receive God's miracle gift to us no matter what. Shortly after being weighed, we were surprised to find out that we would be listening for baby Tan's heart beat for the 2nd time. This was exciting as well as a relief. Considering our next ultra sound would not be until week 20 we were quite eager to see or hear of some sort of development on baby Tan's behalf. Again, his/her heart beat was so sweet to our ears. We rejoiced that life was still abounding in my belly! This time we thought quickly and were able to record the sound of the heart beat on our cell phones. What a treat! Every so often I play it back and listen in amazement. Our next milestone is week 24. At this point the baby becomes viable outside the womb. Shaun and I continue in humility to rejoice for this season our God has entrusted us with. Our hope and trust is in our God alone.


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