Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bitter Sweet

We are now going on our 3rd month since moving to Houston. The first two months were pretty easy for me. There was lots going on at the beginning. Packing, unpacking, packing and again unpacking once we found our apartment. Lots of errands to be run and things to buy to make our place little more like home. Then we found out about our little baby Tan! Now that things have slowed down a bit it has been a bit more difficult. I knew that once we returned back in from the holiday travels to Brownsville things would slow down and reality would settle in just a little more. We are now attending a wonderful church just 2 minutes down the street from us. The location could not be more perfect, especially with a baby on the way! There is a also a MOPS group that meets twice a month there that I hope to be joining soon. I know with time and God's grace everything will come into place. Change has always been a bitter-sweet experience for me. Sometimes it feels more bitter than sweet. But in the end God makes it so sweet! As I've been seeking the Lord regarding this new season of major transition in my life I have to see a couple of things I must remember.

#1 I cannot allow media & social networks to become my portal to the world. It's so easy to stay home all day long and keep up with the world via Facebook, Gmail, TV, etc. These are all good ways of staying connected but should not become my primary social interactions. I must go out seeking to enjoy and experience the 4th largest city in the US. Even if that means going by myself.

#2 I need structure. I need a "TO DO" list! I've started planning out my week again. This keeps me focused on what my objectives are for the week. Sometimes it means running by the post office. Other times it means trying out a new restaurant (even if it's alone) or having something sweet at Starbucks.

#3 I need purpose. This goes hand in hand with #2. The world can be so deceitful in trying to convince us of what true purpose really means in life. I am so thankful that I can look unto the Lord for the truth in this matter. At times staying home, cooking, cleaning may not seem very exciting and full of purpose. But Truth tells me that the season that I am currently in right now is exactly where the Lord intends for me to be. It is the safest, most perfect place I could be in right now. The world confesses that it is futile and a complete waste of time. Serving my husband, taking care of our home, carrying our little baby Tan, serving others in whatever way the Lord leads and enables me is best summed up by my privilege in serving the Lord.



lucy said...

Hi Mary Lou
Enjoy Life in the Present
embrace this time in your life as a gift from God. There is nothing better than to enjoy each moment. What a blessing that you are not submitted to a schedule or a boss,can you imagine having to be at work by 8:00am and dealing with traffic & morning sickness? So consider yourself blessed and enjoy every bit, It's ok to feel nostalgic, you may be vulnerable, and emotional,Praise God for the wonderful man He has placed in your life to share this wonderful experienc with. Enjoy! sit back and keep writing in this lovely corner that i so much enjoy. Be happy and enjoy yourself as long as you live.
Read Ecclesiastes.
love, Lucy

andy najera said...

great post....

Najera Family said...

....There is a season for everything. The Lord is so loving, he has allowed you to stay home and enjoy Baby Tan. I can relate to how change can be difficult, but you are not alone. Shawn is with you, and you can always run to the Lord for encouragement and comfort. Enjoy this season in your life. GO SHOPPING!!!

sheila said...

very encouraging post, Mary Lou! I too need structure and purpose in life. We were talking about finding our purpose and worth in the Lord last night at our bible study group. Thanks for your honesty.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for you encouragement!