As many of you know today was our first prenatal appointment. I felt like this day would never come. The entire day I was nervous and almost frozen. I was feeling everything from fear to nervousness, to nausea, to excitement. Our appointment was not schedule until 2:45pm and therefore I was having to wait throughout the morning and mid-afternoon to get myself to the doctor's office. It was at about 2pm that I had wished Shaun was picking me up from our apartment instead of meeting me at the doctor's office (mental note for future appointments). I left the house at about 1:55pm to get a head start and avoid any GPS malfunctionings on my 15 minute drive along the highway. I arrived promptly, signed in, peed into a cup, and sat in the waiting room watching Pearl Harbor, the movie. Shaun then called about 5 minutes later to let me know he was on his way. A sigh of relief came over me. I was afraid that he was going to be held up by traffic and miss the ultra sound. He very shortly arrived and sat next to me. I could then lean myself into his arms while we waited to be called. About 10 minutes or so later we were called. Within the next 5 minutes we were all set to take a peek into our baby Tan's little world. At first the sonographer was not able to locate baby Tan. She confidently and yet calmly said, "Let me take some basic measurements first and then we'll come back to the fun stuff. I'm sure he/she is hiding in there somewhere. (As I write this I can't help to feel a little emotional, there is a little life in side me! Wow! Okay refocusing.) So Nancy (sonographer) took some measurements and pointed out some fibroids in my uterus but assured me that the majority of women have fibroids. That was a sigh of relief. She continued with her measurements and then came back to the fun stuff-hunting down our little baby Tan!!! Soon after we found baby Tan! :) What a relief I felt, not to mention such joy to find our little baby Tan nicely nestled in place. Shortly after locating our little baby we were able to see a little shaded area almost blinking at us-baby Tan's heart was pumping! Soon after that and a bit of work on Nancy's part we were able to hear the heart beat! Wow! The most beautiful sound I have ever heard! What beautiful evidence of life! We then sat with our doctor and reviewed general pregnancy guidelines as well as appointment scheduling, etc. We continue to rejoice in this little life God has entrusted us with as well as rejoice in the mercies of God over our lives.
Thank you for praying and rejoicing with us!
Baby Tan, 6 weeks 2

I think I have become your number one blog fan. I love knowing about Baby Tan! He is truly wonderful, no doubt the Lord was blessed you immensly! Read Psalm 139, I love this Psalm. To know that the Lord and his ways are perfect. That he would take the time to knit us together with his own hands. Your baby is beautiful! He is very photogenic!Good job you guys.
Thank you Sara! We are honored that you would want to read about our little baby. I will read Psalm 139!
Love you,
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