Sunday, January 3, 2010

Me? Preggy? I can't sleep so I thought I'd write a little. Today is January 3, 2009. As most of you know Shaun and I are eagerly trying for our first little baby Tan this year. We are trusting in our God to lead as He wills and desires. Well..I took a test this evening and there was a faint pink positive line. Yup, that's right! My mom and I were in shock. The line is a bit faint to a very unexperienced preggy mommy and grandma. I immediately called one of my bestest friends (who has two babies by the way) to seek wisdom and counsel. I tried my best to take a still and focused picture of preggy test and quickly e-mailed it to her. Mind you Shaun is in Houston and I am currently in Brownsville. I stayed behind in Brownsville for a lingerie shower for one of my other bestest friends. I will be flying back tomorrow evening. So here I sit in shock and anxiously waiting for tomorrow to come. First thing in the morning I will pee into another cup and take another test. Then I will rush over to a Pregnancy Testing Center where I can get tested (for free) and take another just to be sure. Crazy, I know! I have not had any "typical" pregnancy symptoms. I have however had cramps in my lower abdominal and around my ovaries. I did have slight nausea about 3 days ago but that might have been related to what I was eating: peanut butter, bananas, honey, and cinnamon on toast. Yummy! My gosh! Could I really be preggy??? Me? The thought of this possibility humbles me. I am so undeserving of such a beautiful gift. Okay..glad I typed a little :) Perhaps I can now sleep! If I am indeed preggy I plan on surprising my Mr Tan once I get home to Houston! Will keep you posted!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Where's the line???", you may be asking. I Know exactly how you feel! Don't worry, it's there! :)