Thursday, September 23, 2010

Zachary Xin Zhe Tan

Finally the title for my blog post does not revolve an exotic fruit or vegetable!!!  Our baby boy is here! Though he was due on the 14th of Sept, he arrived on the 16th (8 lb 13.4 oz, 22 in).  Sometime after being induced, major major major menstrual like cramps, an epidural (thank you GOD!!!), the tapering off of the epidural (oh so painful!!!!), an episiotomy, and a vacuum suction our sweet baby Tan finally arrived!!!  Just typing brings me tears.  Ok ok, refocus otherwise I won't ever finish this post.  Though the delivery process didn't go as we had anticipated we couldn't be more happier with the sweet reward of our labor.  The recovery process has been quite uncomfortable.  Some how I missed the chapter on recovering from the possible pregnancy outcomes when your baby doesn't just pop right out!?  But again, looking at Zachary makes it all worth while.  Since then our lives have been everything except dull, from changing diapers to sleep deprivation to kissing & hugging our baby, we are just starting our on our life long lesson on parenthood and the sweet and sacrificial love that it entails.


On our way to his first doctor's visit.  This was before the explosive diaper surprise!!!
Thank goodness we had a well prepared diaper bag!!

I've learned to appreciate the use of a stroller in the apartment. 
Quite useful during bathroom & shower time!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pumpkin Tan

Happy 40th Week Baby Tan!!!  Can't believe this day is finally here!!! Do bear with my constant blogger over the next 24 hours or so.  Aside from cleaning & finishing up a few last minute tasks there's not much I can think of doing.  Despite everyone's common suggestion of sleeping as much as I can before baby Tan's arrival, I just can't force myself to sleep.  So in the mean time I'll just sit here on the couch and type a little.

Things I will miss about being pregnant...
1. The excuse over indulge on food :) and the lack of embarrassment on my behalf because of the false notion that I'm "eating for two" :)
2. Having my Mr. Tan help me put my tennis shoes on :)
3. Using my belly as a little mini platform/table for my plate, glass and hands
4.  Nice warm belly rubs from those around me.  Never did mind those.
5. Pretty maternity clothes.  Esp those very stretchable elastic bands have make over eating so much more pleasurable!
6.  Strangers smiling at me while taking note of my belly.
7. The excuse to nap endlessly when ever I wished.
8. Sneaking into the kitchen at 3am to snack on ice cream cereal or lime tortilla chips while watching the Cosby Show or The Nanny
9.  Delightfully watching my Mr. Tan kiss my belly, sing the Singapore national anthem to BT, and hearing him talk to BT in this singlish accent

Things I will NOT miss about being pregnant...
1. The grunting & the moaning as I attempt to turn over in bed, get off the sofa or out of the car.
2. The feeling of helplessness in needing help to do everyday things, like bending down to pick something up, etc
3. The constant need to pee every 2 hours
4. The potty runs throughout the night that make it so difficult to go back to sleep.
5.  The constant trip to the scale to see how much I've weighed.  Have a feeling this will not end...hopefully it will be going down instead of up soon
6. The additional 35 pounds that made the Texas heat so much more unbearable
7.  The need to sleep with a huge 5 ft long U-shaped body pillow in order to keep from rolling over on to my back.  (Thank you Mari!)
8.  Comparing my BT's size & weight to strange vegetables exotic vegetables I've never consumed
9. Constipation!? 

I'm sure I could continue to sit here and go on for a bit longer  :) but it's 10am and it's time for my snack ;)


Monday, September 13, 2010

Crunch & Cherry Coke Zero

Hello :) Today we are one day away from baby Tan's due date!!!  Our OB appointment this morning was a surprising one.  To start things off I had another NST (non stress test) in which they monitor baby Tan's heart beat along with my contractions in order to assess whether baby Tan is under any unnecessary stress.  After about 15 minutes of laying down and  wonderful company-my Mr. Tan :)  OB walked in took a look at NST print out and asked if had breakfast.  I replied with a nodd and a "yes".  He then said baby that baby was a bit sluggish and asked the nurse to bring in some crackers, which they had none of.  It was then that I proudly admitted my having a piece of chocolate on the way over to his office.  (Forgot my food police was in the room!?)  Dr then suggested we get my sugar level up and with not a cracker in his office I had my food police take another piece of chocolate out of my purse :)  They were really meant for my Mr. Tan :)  I happily ate my mini chocolate crunch. Dr readjusted the belts around my tummy, put a pillow to help prop me on to my left side and viola!!! Turns out the belt was not placed on the side in which we could best hear BT's heart beat most effectively.   That's when the nurse walked in with a cherry coke zero and suggested I drink up in order to elevate my sugar.  Considering coke zero contains only an artificial sweetener, my Mr Tan thoroughly enjoyed the free drink. :)  After another 15 minute session of listening to BT's heart beat along with his daddy's conversation, OB walked in and was happy with the recent NST results! Yay! After examining me, I soon discovered I had hardly dilated since my visit last Wednesday. Boo hoo! I was pretty much at zero.  As OB was removing the belts off of my belly, the nurse noticed my tummy was contracting due to the funny shape that was taking form.  After questioning baby's position (the nurse) OB ordered a sonogram.  The sonogram showed baby Tan head down as we had seen in the last sonogram but after further assessment, OB expressed some concern due to baby Tan's size and the curvature his little body was having to take in order to fit in my belly.  Baby Tan was pretty much getting too big for me.  Dr recommended waiting no more than one week to deliver, otherwise baby would be much too big and increase the risk of a c-section.  So as of now hospital arrangements are for me to be admitted Wednesday evening with the intention of delivery Thursday.  

This is definately not what we were anticipating.  We continue to set our eyes on our God who we know remains in control.  Scared? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Excited?  YES!!!  


Friday, September 10, 2010

Mini Watermelon Tan

This weeks we celebrate 39 weeks of baby Tan's journey in the belly!!!  Apparently ( he's weighs about the same as a mini watermelon (~7 lb).  I have a feeling he's weighing a little more than that!?  Our weekly visit with our OB went well this past Tuesday.  Baby is doing well and not under any stress at this time and contractions have no real pattern.  The only bitter sweet news is my cervix remains closed for business.  Like I said, a little bitter and yet sweet.  How quickly I am reminded back on all those times I wanted things to happen on my timing and with great relief I am thankful God was always in control.  The same is true even now, His timing is absolutely perfect!!! On to week 40...