A simple and cozy little place in which I can sit and sip as I reflect on the beauty of His Love and forgiveness of my sins...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Leek Tan
Happy 38th week baby Tan!!! 14 days to go!!! I remember counting down the days when we had 100+ days left thinking we'd never reach the end of our 9 month journey. Soon after baby Tan is born we'll be counting up instead of down and in hope that the days go slower instead of faster! How funny life can be...
Monday, August 30, 2010
NST #1
I just returned from my weekly appointment at the OB's office. I underwent what is called a "Non-Stress Test" which basically measures baby's heart beat along with my contractions. Baby Tan is doing well :) in fact he's doing so well that there is significant patterns to my contractions that would send me to the delivery room (bitter-sweet) and I've not dilated up to this point (more bitter-sweet). I'll return next Tuesday for the same routine. Oh, and baby Tan remains head down!!!! The longer he stays in the bigger we both get!!! =Z
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Swiss Chard Tan
This week we celebrate week 37! We still can't believe this is really happening!? is suggesting baby Tan is about 6 lbs 5 oz this week and and about the length of a stalk of swiss chard. According to a not always so accurate ultra sound baby Tan is at about 6 lbs 15 oz!? We are hoping that history will not repeat itself and an 11 lb baby will not come forth from my lineage of wombs! My wonderful mother pushed me at out 11 lbs almost 29 years ago. That is a whole lot of baby, baby!!! Love you momma :)
Dedicating this to my darling husband & food police :) Oh how I've been scolded =Z
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sneaky BT
Good morning! :) It's 4:52am. I just finished having a glass of OJ with a lightly salted rice cake :) Looks like I'm up for a little bit & then back to bed! Yesterday was our follow up appointment with our OB. I could not believe it but our sweet baby Tan has repositioned himself and is now head down!!! I thought for sure I would have noticed such a shift in his position, but apparently not. OB is happy, sonographer is happy and Shaun & I are happy! Three more weeks!

Friday, August 20, 2010
Transverse Position
At our last OB appointment (week 34) my OB was not able to tell whether baby Tan was head down or up and so he scheduled an ultrasound for two weeks later. Two weeks later was yesterday. Baby Tan is currently in a transverse (side way) position with his head in a some what down position. I am scheduled for second ultra sound this coming Monday (08/23) to reassess baby Tan's position. If he continues in a transverse position then I will be sent to the hospital on Tuesday so that the Dr can help baby reposition himself. This procedure is done much like a massage. I have read that this procedure can be quite uncomfortable. In speaking with my OB, he assured us it would not be too uncomfortable considering baby Tan is not in a complete breeched position. My OB also informed me that I have a "narrow" pelvic arch compared to a "wide" pelvic arch. What this means is that in any case baby Tan is having difficulty passing through it may be due to my "narrow" pelvic arch which may play a role in the consideration of a c-section. Oh my sweet baby Tan how I love thee! :) In the midst of this news we remain encouraged as well as excited about the coming of our baby boy! We also continue to place our confidence in our God is sits upon the throne and is worthy to be praised!
Below is something I could not help but find some humor in...maybe not too much...I may find myself resorting to some of these =Z
Here are 17 Ways to Turn Your Breech Baby!
- 1. Visualizing the baby moving down with the head very deep in your pelvis, several times a day; especially in conjunction with positions and exercises below.
- 2. Swimming as often as possible. This keeps your body and pelvis loose and relaxed. Do in conjunction with headstand below if you have help.
- 3. Headstand - with assistance and in a pool frequently as possible.
- 4. Breech Tilt - begin at 32-35 weeks gestation. Do 3 times daily for 10-15 minutes each time, when you have an empty stomach, and the baby is active. Prop one end of an ironing board securely on a sofa or chair 12 to 18 inches high (or may use slant board). Lie down, bend knees but keep feet flat on board. Relax, breathe deeply, avoid tensing. May also use pillows on a flat surface to raise hips 12-18" above shoulders. Gravity pushes the baby's head into the fundus, tucks it, and baby can then do a somersault to a vertex position.
- 5. CD/iPod headphones - place them inside mom's pants toward her pubic bone and play classical music for 10 minutes 6-8 times a day.
- 6. Flashlight - try moving slowly down from the top of the uterus toward your pubic bone while you are in a breech tilt position.
- 7. Massage - start with your left hand at the bottom of the abdomen and your right hand just above it. Move move your hands clockwise around the right side of your tummy. As your right hand reaches the top of your abdomen, slide the left one over your right and move it down the left side of your tummy. Your left hand leads as you you come full circle, continuing clockwise. Massage gently as you would to apply lotion. Massage for ten minutes or more up to several times each day.
- 8. Clothespin - place on the small toe of each foot at the outside corner of the toenail; sideways so that the toenail and toe pad are stimulated for 30 minutes per day, this is an acupressure point that is a "moving down" point. You can also do this with just finger pressure as you remember to do it.
- 9. Motion Sickness band - place with the bead four finger widths above the inner ankle bone - another acupressure point that is used for stimulation of the uterus. Do not use this point if you are experiencing any pre-term labor.
- 10. Glass of orange or other juice - follow this with a side-lying position with your hips positioned higher than your feet. Babies move more after a sugar high!
- 11. Pelvic Tilt- with an ice pack on the top of your tummy on an empty stomach, 10 minutes twice a day. Do this while lying on your back on the floor with knees flexed and feet on the floor with three large pillows placed under your buttocks. Try this in conjunction with headphones and visualization.
- 12. Cat stretch - start with all fours, then lay your head and chest flat on the floor with your buttocks in the air, as you round your back and return to all fours.
- 13. Knee-chest position - by kneeling with hips flexed slightly more than 90 degree, but with thighs not pressing against your tummy and your head, shoulders and upper chest are flat on a mattress for 15 minutes every two waking hours for five days.
- 14. Belly Relaxing followed by Inversion - Partner places a shawl, sheet, towel or rebozo under mom's hips as she lays on the floor. Lift up on the corners of the cloth and shimmy her from side to side moving your hands up and down to wiggle her belly from side to side. These should be very small movements which mom should find very relaxing. Do this for about 5 minutes. Then mother kneels on the stairway landing. Walk your hands down 2 or 3 stairs into an all fours position; have your partner support your shoulders to balance you. Remain in this position for about 5-10 minutes or as long as comfortable. Also do this on an empty stomach.
- The following techniques to turn breech babies to vertex involve the assistance of a specialist or medical professional:
- 15. Acupuncture - find a acupuncturist who is familiar with pregnancy and knows the points to stimulate for turning a breech baby.
- 16. Webster's Breech Technique - see a Chiropractor who is experienced in this technique.
- 17. External Version - this can be done in the hospital at about 37 weeks; see an Ob-Gyn for assistance and more information.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sweet Reminder
For a short season I've decided to post pone my posts about baby Tan. Until then I've decided to post what ever may come :)
I was so encouraged in my reading of Psalm 18 this morning. As I read I was encouraged by the sweetness of God's word. There are seasons in life when you come across truths and with such desperation you hold on with all of your might in order to survive the madness of the season you're currently in. The season eventually passes and then all is well again. Then later on you stumble across the same truths and reflect on how sweet & personal they are to your soul. It's easy to forget what and where we've been rescued from as well as by Whom we've been rescued by once the tough seasons are over and done with.
As I read Psalm 18 I was reminded of things I passed through and how my God so mercifully and lovingly delivered me.
Psalm 18
v2-3 The Lord is my shield, and my horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I recall the day I read over this scripture and realized how He was indeed my shield. He was the shield who took death on a cross in my place.
v16 He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
I can recall several seasons in the past in which it seemed as though the waters were overcoming me and I was not going to survive,yet each time He rescued me.
v19 He brought me out into a broad place, He rescued me, because He delighted in me.
Never will I be able to comprehend the love of God. That God would delight in me??
v28 For it is You who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
I can do absolutely nothing apart from Him.
That I would come across His word continuously & be reminded of all that He is and all that I am not.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Crenshaw Melon Tan
Today we embark on week 36! Four weeks to go! Today baby Tan is about the size of a crenshaw melon. Can't wait until he's out of the melon family. :) Tonight as Shaun and I were having dinner, we realized that our dinners will never be the same again. What is now a quite & peaceful time to reflect on our day's activities with one another will soon be filled with a variety of baby drama! We are as ready as can be! We know it'll be great! Our next appointment is this coming Thursday (08/19) at 8:15am. This appointment will be to conduct some routine testing plus take a peek at our sweet baby Tan and the position he's currently in. We will soon see!!!
For those of us who have know idea what a crenshaw melon looks like-see below!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Honeydew Melon Tan
Yesterday marked the beginning of our 35th week! Baby Tan is almost here! Shaun and I are amazed at the fact that within a month or so we will become parents, real parents entrusted with a life that we can no hand back to his/her rightful owner. I remember when I was in college thinking, "one day I'll get day." It was one of those seasons in life that that was inevitable but too far away to take seriously. Marriage was far in the horizon... Then in Nov 2008 the Lord delivered me to my wonderful wonder. :) I remember thinking, "Really Lord? Me? Are you sure?". I knew marriage would one day come, but when He decided the timing was right I was in such disbelief. It was no longer in the horizon but right in front of me! After agreeing that Shaun & I would wait a year before we started a family, the same went for our first little one. The arrival of our first little one was not too far but still off in the horizon. "Some day...", I thought. About a year later we found out I was pregnant. Again I thought, "Really Lord? Me? Are you sure?". So here we are about 2-5 more weeks until Shaun & I no longer stare into the horizon but come face to face with our sweet baby Tan. We are so undeserving...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cantaloupe Tan
Today we rejoice in week 34!!! 6 weeks to go!!! Baby Tan's car seat is ready to go...his crib has a nice mattress with a nicely fitted boyish blue sheet...his baby clothes are hung according to size...and hospital bags are packed! Our trip down to Brownsville was indeed a sweet one. Aside from visiting with close friends & family, a dear friend/sister hosted a baby shower for me. There was much laughter & lots of cute gifts for baby Tan...but what I will remember & cherish the most was the encouragement I received from these women. Their encouraging words as mothers & mothers-to-be brought such strength to my soul. Preparing for baby Tan's arrival these last couple of months has been so exciting! It's as if I couldn't plan enough for his coming! Each day I would go over my computer printed out calendar and scratch out each passing day...some times I'd scratch the day out even before it began :) The loose calendar pages are worn & wrinkled, full of pencil & eraser markings. My darling husband could not suggest an idea or plan an outing with out me pulling out my calendar to check what I've previously planned! :) In all this preparation, I realized I could prepare as much as I wanted in the physical but I had no idea how to prepare my heart for our little one's coming. There were all sorts of questions & anxieties regarding my up & coming journey into motherhood-"Would I...? Could I...? Should I...?" It was this weekend that my questions & anxieties were put to rest-LOVE. One thing I know God has created & enabled me to do is to love...
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